Know-how and technology ... at the cutting edge

As versatile and flexible as the entire construction industry is, we are always at the cutting edge in the field of planning and continue to develop our knowledge and update the technical equipment we employ at our offices.
Our staff is usually trained from scratch... expert and technical knowledge along with ability constitute the best basis for demanding planning services for the engineering sector.

Quality assurance
Internal quality assurance is based on clearly structured provisions and are pursued throughout all project phases. The directives, information and data sheets issued by the Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßenverkehrswesen (German Road and Transportation Research Association), the specifications set out in the Vergabe und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen (VOB – Awarding and Contract Regulation for Construction Performances) and internal concepts for project handling and office organisation constitute the basis for quality assurance. A variety of people are always involved in the fulfilment of quality-assurance specifications as projects are always realised in teams.
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